Mr. Majeed Ali

Mr. Majeed Ali - Auditor General  7th April 2015 - 14th May 2019

Mr. Majeed Ali joined the Auditor General’s Department in 1981 as an Audit Examiner I.  He is the holder of  a Bachelor of Commerce Degree, Honours, with a major in Accounting from the University of Manitoba Canada.  He left the Department in 1983 to pursue further studies at the Algonquin College in Ottawa, Ontario where he obtained a Financial Management Certificate in 1984.  In July 1985, Mr Ali completed his professional accountancy examinations from the Society of Management Accountants of Ontario, Canada.


In September 1985, Mr. Ali returned to the Auditor General’s Department and continued in the position of Audit Examiner I.  He was subsequently promoted to the positions of Audit Senior, Assistant Audit Director, Audit Director, Assistant Auditor General and Deputy Auditor General, respectively. He acted on several occasions as the Auditor General.


Mr. Ali was responsible, at various times, for the audit of State Enterprises, Statutory Boards and similar bodies and the Accounts of the Central Government.  He held the position of Accounting Officer/Receiver of Revenue for a period of eight (8) years and also served as Chairman of the Audit Contracts Committee of the Auditor General’s Department. As Deputy Auditor General he functioned as Head of the Accounting Unit, Human Resource Division. Information Technology Unit, Internal Audit Unit and the Pension Unit.

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